
My Bestpal Wedding

Yesterday which is December 25th 2009, Christians are celebrating the Christmas by having dinner or something else with their families. It is a very special day I know, but the thing that make more special is my bestpal has her wedding ceremony. Her name is Riana Vilianita and she marry an army named Zulhakim.

The wedding is held on Kodam Building in Malang start at 7 pm. Usually when an army had wedding ceremony, there will be an opening ceremonial called pedang-pora . When I know about that, I am so excited to go earlier to that wedding, but unfortunately one of my friends comes late. Yes, me and my friends (Titis, Anto, Hakim, Angga, Ratih, and Idham) are riding Titis' car. And the one who comes late is Angga.

So we arrived at Kodam Building at around 7.15 and meet Riva, Muren, Gondrong, Dedet, Reby, Mas Yudi, Bang Ochon, and Brando. We promise to meet in front of the building and come in together. But we are still waiting Primi and Gatya for about 5 minutes. After that, We are complete and ready to do the handshake with the newly wed and their parents. For your information, in Indonesia we are usually do the handshake and greet the groom, bride, and their family as well on kind of stage.

Then we finally meet the newly wed, GOSH.!! They are awesome. Really, I think it's because their happiness aura. After we done with the greet and handshake thingy, we go to the diningroom which is so crowded. Okay let's start to queue then. I eat a lot as always :) My menu is fried rice, shrimp, chicken, broccoli, tongue, dim sum, and soup. The menu is outstanding I think.

After we fill our stomach up, we are ready to take some pictures. These are some of our pictures captured:

-The Boys-

-The Girls-


Unfortunately I do not have the pictures with the groom and bride because it was taken by the professional photographer.

The last but not least, I ask my friend to capture me as well:

The question that still play in my mind is:
"When will be my wedding ceremony? and who is my bride?"


fashion is never be wrong

I forget about the exact date I become a freak of this website, but the one who makes me know about this website is Ririe Agun. She was my senior high school mate, although we never in the same class.

Yes, it is looklet. And I work with some designs that I like to play with my models. For your information, I do not understand about what is happen in fashion industry, but I like to fashion my life or you can say my life is fashion. :)

So do not ever feel wrong with fashion, because you are what you wear.

These are some of my works:

Which one is your favorite??

Please visit my page in: http://looklet.com/user/211831


The Beautiful 24th Dec 2009

Today is Thursday with some special things compare with the other Thursday before. Yes, today is Christmas Eve. Although I am not celebrate this event, but i always love the spirit of Christmas.

I can see almost Christians going to the church with their special clothes and bring the bible as well. After that they will have dinner with all their families and end up with exchange the presents to the ones they loved (I do not know whether that will be happened in Christmas Eve or Christmas Day).

But the things that I love the most for Christmas are all the songs and movies, especially cartoons that accompany my days recently. I wish a Merry Christmas to all Christians, may joy comes to your life as always.

PS: I want a Christmas tree in my room Santa Claus.! :)

*Picture: http://julie1226.deviantart.com/art/Christmas-Tree-104984504

Cerita Kopi

Have I told you that writing is one of my passion to really enjoy my time. Yes, I love writing a lot although the result is not good as professional ones. So call me amateur writer (And soon become the professional one of course. Amin)

Here is my another piece titled "Cerita Kopi"

Dalam segala keterbatasan melodi,
Sang pemimpin orkestra melambaikan jemarinya,
Menatap para pemusik dengan haru,
Seraya berucap kata mati dan berhenti.

Orkestra itu hanya terdiri dari segelintir manusia,
Tidak dapat dikatakan mereka hidup atau mati,
Musik yang dimainkan berada pada nada rendah,
Hingga membuat harmonisasi kelam dan hitam.

Pemimpin orkestra hanya termangu dan diam,
Dia tak tahu lagi harus berbuat apa,
Sudah tiga purnama dan tujuh fajar mereka berlatih,
Namun hasilnya nihil, bahkan minus.

Rasanya tempat bermusik yang dahulu mencipta karya,
Berbalik menjadi palung sengsara,
Dimana tak terlihat lagi aura gilang gemilang,
Hanya kosong terbentang, belaka sunyi menantang.

Gurun akhirnya membubarkan orkestra itu dalam kekecewaannya,
Berkata untuk tak perlu lagi hadir esok hari,
Begitupun dengan lusa ataupun esok minggu,
Ya.. Pemimpin orkestra itu adalah Gurun.

Tak pernah ada yang tahu mengapa Ia bernama Gurun,
Dirinya pun tak ingin bersusah payah untuk mencari tahu,
Yang Ia tahu Gurun berarti padang pasir yang tandus,
Sama halnya seperti hatinya yang tandus.

Gurun masih memandangi kertas-kertas nada yang rumit,
Lalu pergi ke ruang lain untuk memenuhi hasratnya,
Hasrat yang selalu timbul setelah Ia lelah bermusik,
Sebuah cangkir, air panas, dan kopi aroma baru menunggunya.

Ini adalah kesekian cangkir kopi dalam kurun waktu tiga bulan,
Rasa dan aroma kopi yang tidak pernah sama setiap harinya,
Kemudia gurun menyentuh kopi itu dengan bibirnya,
Sayang bukan kopi ini jawaban atas kebimbangannya.

Gurun menghabiskan kopi itu dalam sekali teguk,
Lidahnya membara akan rasa panasnya,
Namun Ia tak perduli,
Gurun telah mati.

Setelah hari itu,
Gurun berkelana untuk mengecap setiap cangkir kopi yang ada,
Ia akan berhenti sampai saatnya tiba,
Saat dimana gurun mendapat cerita dalam secangkir kopinya.

-Pamungkas, 7:13 PM 5/28/2009-

*Picture: http://morkork.deviantart.com/art/coffee-68172331