
Strawberry Cheese Pie

Ooooh like finally I am able to write new post this week. I am so sorry for ignoring you this two last week. And this is about my experience in making Strawberry Cheese Pie when I was home, so let me share to you..

Pie Crust
1.       75 gr of cold butter
2.       ¼ tea spoon of salt
3.       1 egg yolk
4.       25 gr of fine granulated sugar/sugar powder
5.       150 gr of wheat flour
1.       375 gr of cheese cream. Let it in room temperature. (I bought yummy cheese cream in Carrefour)
2.       1/8 tea spoon of salt
3.       ½ spoon of grated lemon peels
4.       115 gr of fine granulated sugar/sugar powder
5.       75 gr of eggs
6.       1 ½ spoon of wheat flour
7.       75 gr of fresh milk (I used the full cream one or you may use cooking cream)
8.       ½ spoon of lemon juice
1.       300 gr of fresh strawberry
2.       65 gr of strawberry jam
3.       3 spoons of cold water

How to make
Pie Crust
Mix wheat flour, sugar powder, and salt. Add butter and stir with fork until the dough mix well. The dough will look rough, and then add the egg yolk. Mix with your tip of fingers until the dough become soft (or “kalis” in Bahasa). Tips: do not use your full hand because it will make the dough become hard (or “bantet” in Bahasa).

Put the dough in plastic wrap and roll it until flat but not too thin. Put 15 minutes in refrigerator. Then take the dough and roll it until quite thin, make sure the dough will suit with the pie crust pan. Put it on the pie crust pan (I think this is the hardest part), then use fork to make a little hole all over the pie crust dough.

While you’re having a “business” with pie crust dough, prepare the oven with 170 degree Celcius. Put the pie crust dough until half-done (around 15-20 minutes) and fill with the cheese filling.

Mix cheese cream, salt, grated lemon peels, and sugar powder with medium speed. Add the eggs, and mix it. Then add the wheat flour, milk, lemon juice and mix it. Pour on the half-done pie crust and put in the oven for about 40 minutes until the cheese cream settled.

Boil the strawberry jam and water in pan with small heat, and then add the fresh strawberry. Pour on the top of pie and let it cold. Well, the strawberry cheese pie is ready to be served.
Buuuuuuuurn :(

PS : Thank you for http://hesti-myworkofart.blogspot.com/2011/04/strawberry-cheese-pie.html and http://www.sajiansedap.com/recipe/detail/1477/strawberry-cheese-pie#.VPl02SxWqKE for sharing the original recipe. This is my first time posting recipe in English, so I am sorry if you find any confusing words. Happy baking!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gila, ganteng dan jago masak! Udah siap dinikahin belom, Pang? :D