
Inspired by Tiara

Currently I wrote some posts like countdown the days. Yes, I will write until Day 30, not exactly like 30 Hari Mencari Cinta the movie sih but it's because the deadline of 'this agreement' took 30 days.

At the first time, I count the days by tweeting (of course when I said tweeting, I used twitter). Unfortunately too many questions I have to answer when tweeting about the countdown. I know my follower especially my bestfriend really care about me, but I found confusion to answer their questions. So I decided to post day by day on my blog page.

Well to be honest this countdown post inspired by untukjimmy.com made by Tiara. This blogger is one of my favorite since her post always has soul inside the writings. You can smile, laugh, or even put a wrinkle on your forehead just by reading her post. :)

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