
More Positive and Less Negative, Please..

It's too bad that Harmoni SCTV is over.
Well it becomes trending topic in twitter,
Almost all the people are really sad with the fact that there's no more Harmoni SCTV.
The show is really great I think with the arrangement from Andi Rianto.
He likes a magician in music.!

In the middle of the show, he told that Elfa's singers and Sandi Sandoro will sing SBY's songs.
Then there's a video which Mr. Number 1 give his speech.
I admit the video is pretty long.

There are a lot of negative opinions towards Mr. President.
I really didn't understand with their thoughts.
They act as if they were good composer.
Some of them act as if they can be better from SBY.

I am questioning on myself..
Is it so hard to have positive thinking of people deeds?
Maybe there is an old aphorism that i really remember:

"Gajah di pelupuk tidak terlihat, semut di seberang lautan terlihat"

Mm, ga ada ruginya kan buat ngeliat diri kita sendiri dulu sebelum ngasih kritik ke orang lain?

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