
Linggau Colours Day

It’s the first running event in Lubuklinggau and I was excited yet surprise at the same time. Why? Since Lubuklinggau is a small city in South Sumatera, I didn’t expect that the community will held that kind of event. As far as I know, Lubuklinggau Colours Day is initiated by Good People Creative and fully supported by Lubuklinggau government. The event was held on January 25th, 2015 but the issue of this event has already heard from November 2014. So I’ve already prepare to join this event with my office mates at that time, but unfortunately I’ve got signed into Bengkulu in December for the next 3 months. At the end of it, I was still able to join this event by taking car rental from Bengkulu to Lubuklinggau which took around 4 hours.
The Tickets
The Race Pack
The ticket costs for IDR 85k and sold out a week before the event. By paying that amount we got some amount for charity and the race pack which consist of t-shirt, sun glasses, sticker, participant number, and color powder. If comparing with other running event in other city, actually the ticket price is cheaper. But I think the race pack can be better than what I’ve got on my hand. The quality of the t-shirt is really bad in my opinion (I never involved in color run before but from my experiences in joining 3 running events in Jakarta, this t-shirt is the worst). We as participant have no clue about the race route because there’s no map and schedule in that race pack. So we have to take a look on this event’s instagram account. I was also wondering if there’s a prize or not for the winner at the beginning of the race until we reach the finish line and the MC announced 15 top runners will receive some prizes. Furthermore along the route, there’s no water station for the participant. And the worst of it, the event was delayed more than 30 minutes because we have to wait for someone to open this event.
The Gang! The leader is the one who wear those stripe pants

More than 30 minutes delayed

Besides those things, the event was pretty cool. The committee and the local government are fully prepared for this event. The participants got showered by colors powder in 4 points and the coolest thing is the mayor and his wife has also join in throwing the color powder to participants. After we reach the finish line, we faced a big stage with DJ playing the music. Ahh ya and we received a pocket of color powder as well, so we can throw the color powder into the air while dancing along the music. I think everyone was really enjoyed with the ambience, except me who didn’t like sort of those things. I JUST CAN NOT ENJOY ANY MUSIC FROM ANY DJ’s AROUND THE WORLD. Yaaah you can call me weird, but that type of music is not suit with my ears. Although I have to struggle to enjoy the music, the crowd was extremely great. I can feel their energy and somehow it lifted me into higher level. Last but not least, I really appreciate with this event’s officials who work really hard to make the city clean after the event ended.

The Rave Party

After party and we're starving.!
As the first running event held in Lubuklinggau, I must take my hat off to the committees, officials, local government, and volunteers. You did amazing job and spread the good energy in local society. With those criticisms above, I really hope for the better event next time. I am really satisfied by participating Linggau Colours Day in Lubuklinggau.
Thumbs up for the event
 PS: For the next event’s committees, don’t forget to add trash bin/bag along the race route. And for the next participants, I do beg to you to not be such a litterbug in the future.

Photo credit to Deby and Vivi.


Unknown said...

Aamiin.. semoga acara selanjutnya bisa lbih seru n lebih banyak hadiahnya.. :D
Trus psertanya bneran lari, biar cocok dg judul acaranya #v2 kmrn gk ikut lari krna ngikutin ketua genk aj sih hahaha..

pamungkasalamin said...

Haha, iyaaa. Kita kan harus ikut peraturan si ketua genk ya vi :P
Pengen nge-post videonya tapi ga bisa di rotate. huhu.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kalo cm bs komentar enakan diem aja, Talkless do more dude,
Ngoceh aja bs, you bs gak bikin event kayak mereka ? Mental pekerja, komentar aja

pamungkasalamin said...

Hi Anonymous, thanks for dropping your comments.

I need to ask something to you, do you know what INDON means? I really suggest you to use wiser word, since you're also Indonesian right?
