
the paint of my life..

19 : 28
peri-periku masih mencoba menyanyikan
lagu favourite-ku, tapi nadanya berubah mellow.
mereka malah jadi sering diam
menemaniku melukis bunga-bunga layu
di terik siang jeda kuliah.
aku adalah cinta yang memakai kemeja hitam.
-plagiat, Januari 2007-

apakah ini cinta atau hanya sekedar
gelitik rayu dari sang kunang.??
sang kunang tertawa,
lenyaplah asa gundah.
sang kunang berkata,
terlukis alunan indah.
sang kunang berdansa,
tatap takkan ubah.
sang kunang tiada,
tersayatlah akan salah.
dimana sang kunang.??
-Pamungkas, suatu masa-


my vitamin..

this is one of things that always burning up myself, message from my mom :

1. iya, kurma banyak, sajadah, minyak wangi cowok jg ada,okey,mdh2an km juli pulang membw kbr baik dn kesuksesan.

2. mama lg capek abs nguras kmr mnd,ya dek itung2 buat pengalaman yg penting PEDE dl,kyk mama, soal menang tinggal tunggu waktu aja,okey...

3. D pang sorry mama bego,ms bls smsmu ksg,udh dek di shinse aja,orang papa skrng udh seger,brt bdnny udh naik 2,5kg,udh cerewet lg,pokokny bnyk kemajuan.

4. D pang,hsl IP mu dah nyampe,wah hebat jg bontot mama,trnyt IP kmrn ***,IPK nya **,sukses trs ya Dek,doa mama&papa sll menyertaimu.Amiin amiin ya robbal allamin.

stairway to my dream..

in the morning of friday, 23 may 2008, i receive the message from anto ("pang, nanti abis jumatan ada acara.??") and not responding it. suddenly, on 11 am he call me and offer the job for being a MC in EAST JAVA SINGING COMPETITION on monday till wednesday.. i just blushing on my way to masjid and my hearth beat like a rock song.
actually, i know anto just for a year and i never expected that he will promote my name in his community.
it's means a lot for me to reach out my dream.. and i paid for that..
may ALLAH SWT bless anto as always and give me a bouquet of luck and protection as well so that i can conduct that competition and make everybody satisfied with my work..


happy national awakening.!!!

to celebrate the national awakening day, i made a promotion tools in order to make VISIT INDONESIA 2008 success.
for indonesia citizen especially for young people, let's we make indonesia brighter and brighter than before with our effort.!!
(theme song : "bangun pemuda-pemudi")


vote for Mr. Djoko as the PRESIDENT.!!

yesterday, me and my friends (dedet, gondrong, and rivva) have to present about "Oligopoly and Strategic Behavior" in managerial economics lecture. honestly, i'm not prepare for myself well and my friends did also (except dedet maybe). after we explain about our presentation, the lecturer (Mr. Djoko) asked we to explain more about other materials related to our topics. unfortunately, we did so worst.!!! i'm so shy of myself, but Mr. Djoko help us and he said "it's okay, in this class we learn together".. ohh gosh, he's so patient and kind as well.!!
so, i want to thanks to Mr. Djoko for his hospitality.!! may he finish his doctoral program as soon as possible.!! vote for Mr. Djoko for the President.!! ahaha,


happy birthday HEDWIG.!!

on tuesday, 6th may 2008, hedwig held a 25 birthday party in und corner malang.
she's one of trainees of aiesec lc ub.
she's so nice, but gw baru tau klo orang "sono" itu ngadain pesta ulang tahun, tapi ga pake traktiran.. ahaha, padahal itu cafe harga makanan+minumannya mahal2x..
akhirnya gw cuma makan proll tape (Rp 2.400,-) and it taste very good.
stelah itu, kita ngelanjutin karaoke d NAV..
it was a great night i have although my tasks are waiting. x)

me and the birthday girl.!!

ahaha, stupidity is not crime right.?!


terekam dalam takdir,
sebuah balada kehidupan.
dimana jiwa terdiam akan fana,
tanpa hasrat genderang melodi.
dimana perawan dan panglima
berjuang mencari lentera terindah.
ada dan tiada telah ditentukan
oleh DIA Yang Maha Sempurna.
adakah andil sang tanah untuk
menari di atasa BINGKAI DUNIA.??


on sunday, 4th may 2008

gw sama primi ikutan parliamentary debate as representative of economic faculty in brawijaya..
padahal, gw sama skali ga ngerti yg kayak bgituan.. waktu sma sih pernah skali ikutan di tvri yang nama acaranya the battle of wits (cuma jadi penonton yang cengok -red).
alhamdulillah kita masuk semifinal, tapi sayangnya langsung dibabat sama team yg lainnya. ahaha.
dan gw baru tau klo di debate itu, muka para debaternya itu udah kayak muka WC UMUM semua.
apalagi pas lawannya lagi have a speech in front.. sedangkan gw sama primi cuma ketawa2x aja.. x)

eh ternyata, pas gw tanyain sama orang yg ngerti debate (mbak riska), dia bilang emang harus gitu mukanya..
katanya sih biar mental lawan jatoh.. tapi menurut gw sih, itu ga ngejatohin mental gw sama skali.. tapi malah bikin gw pengen ngelempar orang2x itu pake sedotan.. (bingung kan kenapa sedotan, gw juga kok).. hehe.

*this post is remind me to my pal, perthalia noery perdasari rosul, the FULL DEBATER*

red ribbon party in dieng plaza

in the middle of the day, aiesec lc ub (local
committee universitas brawijaya) held red ribbon party which is a part of pbox aidstinguish that take HIV AIDS as the main issue..

me and primi was conducting that show.. (baca : SENANG )

me and kwok yun wa (intern from hongkong)