
not my day so far i think..

i start today just like usual..
wake up on 4 am and have my pray. after that i prepare everything because i plan to go swim with gondrong, yona, and dedhet.. so, it's about 4.30 a.m, i left my room and go to warnet.. on 5.30, my another friend (rani and puba) do a miss call to me.. because i also have plan to have breakfast with them (we called "kuliner by gerombolan si diet"), ahaha.. as usual, we have the most yummy 'pecel' in watugong area (it's too much sih, hehe). after that, i went to campus to 'nebenk' gondronk to a pool.. fyi, it's so many years i don't go swim.. and i really enjoy it..
after that, on 9 a.m, we decide to finish our swimming time and go to yona's house to have meal..
suddenly i remember that i have a meeting with sena and prosinergi (ahh.. i'm late), fortunately the meeting was success and we sign the MoU next week. x)

at the end of my day, we (me, mbak dinar, and bang jury) plan to apply for the broadcast training.. but, the thing that makes me sad is i submit wrong photograph to the organizing committee so that i have to take another photo.. hufh..

yapp.. this is me..
raden pamungkas al amin or people call me 'apank'.
as a brief explaination about me, i'm just a human being that always trying to be a SUPERMAN for people around me.
just enjoy ur tour in my page, but as u know i just make this blog..
so, just keep on watching guys.!!
for another fascinating story or anything information i've made in my life..