
Kelas Inspirasi Depok 3: Buku untuk SDN Leuwinanggung 2

Ini adalah kali kedua saya berpartisipasi sebagai inspirator pada Kelas Inspirasi, dimana sebelumnya saya mengikuti Kelas Inspirasi Palembang 4 di Bulan Agustus 2016. Pada hari briefing Kelas Inspirasi Depok 3 yang diadakan pada Hari Sabtu, Tanggal 08 Oktober 2016, saya tergabung dengan 6 orang inspirator lainnya yang mempunyai profesi berbeda-beda di kelompok 27. Selain inspirator, pada kelompok tersebut juga difasilitasi oleh seorang fasilitator dan seorang dokumentator yang akan mengabadikan rangkaian kegiatan pada Hari Inspirasi. Kami ber-9 diberi kepercayaan untuk membagi pengalaman kami di SDN Leuwinanggung 2, Kecamatan Tapos, Depok.

Pada hari inspirasi di Tanggal 17 Oktober 2016, sebagaimana pengalaman sebelumnya, saya mendapatkan lebih dari yang saya harapkan. Banyak sekali ilmu dan pembelajaran dari adik-adik di SDN Leuwinanggung 2 yang terdiri dari 12 kelas dengan jumlah siswa lebih dari 300 orang. Mereka begitu bersemangat dalam menyampaikan ide-idenya, namun tetap menjaga ketertiban baik di kelas maupun luar kelas. Tidak hanya siswanya saja, para guru dan wali siswa juga memberikan dukungan penuh kepada kami pada hari inspirasi tersebut.

Berbagi cerita dengan adik-adik dari pagi hingga petang, rasanya belum cukup bagi kami. Sayangnya sesuai dengan jadwal yang diberikan, kami harus mengakhiri sesi di sekolah tersebut pada pukul 4 sore. Pada saat berpamitan dengan adik-adik dan para guru, besar harapan mereka agar kami dapat kembali lagi ke SDN Leuwinanggung 2. Begitupun halnya dengan kami sebagai relawan.

Buku Untuk SDN Leuwinanggung 2

Selama menghabiskan waktu di SDN Leuwinanggung 2, kami menyadari bahwa terdapat 1 ruangan yang biasanya dimiliki oleh sebuah sekolah tapi tidak ada di sana yaitu ruang baca atau perpustakaan. Memang dengan terbatasnya lahan, agak sulit untuk membuat sebuah ruang baca/perpustakaan. Hal ini dikarenakan ruang kelas yang saat ini tersedia pun hanya berjumlah 5 kelas, sehingga adik-adik harus bergantian untuk mengikuti proses belajar di kelas. Satu hal lagi yang membuat kami kagum adalah para guru dan siswa tidak surut semangatnya dengan segala keterbatasan tersebut.

Meskipun tidak tersedianya ruang baca/perpustakaan, kami yakin minat baca para siswa masih sangat tinggi. Hal ini terlihat pada saat kami datang ke sekolah tersebut pada pukul 06:30 WIB, ternyata sudah ada beberapa siswa yang datang untuk membaca buku di kelasnya masing-masing. Oleh karena itu, kami berencana untuk “kembali” ke SDN Leuwinanggung 2 untuk menyerahkan buku-buku yang dapat menambah ilmu dan wawasan mereka. Namun kendala yang kami hadapi adalah jumlah kami yang hanya ber-9, sehingga buku-buku layak pakai yang kami punya pun sangat terbatas apabila dibandingkan dengan jumlah siswa di SDN Leuwinanggung 2.

Dengan segala kerendahan hati kami, kami ingin mengajak Kakak-kakak dan Bapak-Ibu untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan penyerahan Buku untuk SDN Leuwinanggung 2. Adapun rencana penyerahan buku akan dilakukan pada Hari Sabtu, Tanggal 26 November 2016. Apabila memang terkendala dengan kesibukannya, buku-buku yang layak pakai dapat dikirimkan atau diantar kepada kami sebelum hari pelaksanaan. Kakak-kakak dan Bapak-Ibu dapat juga menghubungi kami via sms/telp ke +62897 000 7969 terkait dengan kegiatan ini atau hal lainnya yang ingin ditanyakan.
-Mari berkontribusi untuk kemajuan pendidikan anak di Indonesia-

Picture by: Ari Yulianto dan Patricia Judith Kasakeyan


Strawberry Cheese Pie

Ooooh like finally I am able to write new post this week. I am so sorry for ignoring you this two last week. And this is about my experience in making Strawberry Cheese Pie when I was home, so let me share to you..

Pie Crust
1.       75 gr of cold butter
2.       ¼ tea spoon of salt
3.       1 egg yolk
4.       25 gr of fine granulated sugar/sugar powder
5.       150 gr of wheat flour
1.       375 gr of cheese cream. Let it in room temperature. (I bought yummy cheese cream in Carrefour)
2.       1/8 tea spoon of salt
3.       ½ spoon of grated lemon peels
4.       115 gr of fine granulated sugar/sugar powder
5.       75 gr of eggs
6.       1 ½ spoon of wheat flour
7.       75 gr of fresh milk (I used the full cream one or you may use cooking cream)
8.       ½ spoon of lemon juice
1.       300 gr of fresh strawberry
2.       65 gr of strawberry jam
3.       3 spoons of cold water

How to make
Pie Crust
Mix wheat flour, sugar powder, and salt. Add butter and stir with fork until the dough mix well. The dough will look rough, and then add the egg yolk. Mix with your tip of fingers until the dough become soft (or “kalis” in Bahasa). Tips: do not use your full hand because it will make the dough become hard (or “bantet” in Bahasa).

Put the dough in plastic wrap and roll it until flat but not too thin. Put 15 minutes in refrigerator. Then take the dough and roll it until quite thin, make sure the dough will suit with the pie crust pan. Put it on the pie crust pan (I think this is the hardest part), then use fork to make a little hole all over the pie crust dough.

While you’re having a “business” with pie crust dough, prepare the oven with 170 degree Celcius. Put the pie crust dough until half-done (around 15-20 minutes) and fill with the cheese filling.

Mix cheese cream, salt, grated lemon peels, and sugar powder with medium speed. Add the eggs, and mix it. Then add the wheat flour, milk, lemon juice and mix it. Pour on the half-done pie crust and put in the oven for about 40 minutes until the cheese cream settled.

Boil the strawberry jam and water in pan with small heat, and then add the fresh strawberry. Pour on the top of pie and let it cold. Well, the strawberry cheese pie is ready to be served.
Buuuuuuuurn :(

PS : Thank you for http://hesti-myworkofart.blogspot.com/2011/04/strawberry-cheese-pie.html and http://www.sajiansedap.com/recipe/detail/1477/strawberry-cheese-pie#.VPl02SxWqKE for sharing the original recipe. This is my first time posting recipe in English, so I am sorry if you find any confusing words. Happy baking!


How Long for Us to Live?

I had a quite sad weekend last week since receiving bad news in two days in a row. On Saturday afternoon, I received group blackberry messenger about an officemate who passed away after fighting Lupus disease over these 7 years. I didn’t know about her actually, but we worked in the same region. She was in a young age and brought shock feeling to everyone in the group after knowing about that news. I really hope that she rest in peace and I do believe Allah has already diminished her sins as one of fighters for Lupus disease.
The following day, my friend PING!!! me on personal blackberry messenger. She told me that one of our seniors has passed away because of an accident. Her name is Putri Hutami Santoso if I am not mistaken and we called her Kak Iput. I knew her since my first semester in Brawijaya University Malang, East Java. She was an official for new student’s orientation and also one of committees in external students club whom the members come from Jakarta. She was really good senior for me, even I and my friend ever discussed about her tweets which really nice to be read.
Mbak Ayu and The Late Kak Iput

She was probably 27 years old when the accident happened and got her second baby in her tummy for 8 months. Oh this was the saddest thing, none of them is alive. Based on what I heard from Mbak Ayu, the accident happened on 7 pm. Kak Iput and her husband on their way home after visiting Gynecologist when a car crushed on their motorcycle. Kak Iput’s husband fell directly on the road, while Kak Iput got dragged along some meters on the road. The car was just running away and left them lonely.

I believe Allah really love you, Kak Iput. In my prayer, I hope you and your baby have already rest in peace in His heaven waiting for your husband and your first child. I will always remember your kindness and spirit. I will remember that you’re the one who give me a spoon when we have to break our fasting in the middle of the road, while every senior that I’ve already asked just ignore me. We will miss you, Kak. :)

From two stories above, we must realize that our time in this world will end. We do not know for how long we will live and how we will face our death. One thing for sure, we have to give good legacy to society before we left this world for good. We have to be beneficial for others and completing our bucket of lists. So for how long for us to live?

Photo credit to Mbak Ayu


Nike Plus Running Application

I installed this application on October 2013 and started to use it in the middle of May 2014. Nike plus running app is application for Android and iOS to track your running. You will know about how calories had burnt, how long you've run, the average pace of your running, and the running route if you activated your GPS.

To serve the users better, Nike plus running app also provide badges to be collected by the user when they achieved something. For example your fastest run, your farthest run, running in Halloween Day, running in rainy/snowy days, and many more.

Furthermore Nike plus running app is pretty similar with other social medias for users who want to share their running activities to others. Yes we can add friends in our application. It also can be connected to other social medias such as Facebook dan Twitter so that your friends know your activities.

Since I love collecting the badges, I proudly announce by the end of January 2015 I got the golden miles trophy. It means I ran for more than 50 miles or around 81 km a month. Woohoo.! As an amateur runner, to reach that distance in a month was really challenging, but finally I did make it. Alhamdulillah.. And this year target is able to run in marathon or 42 km.

Ahh ya let me show some of my badges:

PS: Well if you don't mind, please add my Nike Running+ in pamungkasalamin ya. Good day, Folks.